Your Recruiting Magnet: How to Strengthen and Protect Your Employment Brand
Want to attract more A-level talent? Create a more powerful recruiting magnet – by strengthening your employment brand. In a tight candidate market, your employment brand is more important than ever. Below, our Nashville employment agency reviews the best ways to build – and protect – yours, so you can attract the best active and […]
Giving Thanks: The best ways to say “thank you” at work
Thanksgiving is just a few days away – and it’s the perfect opportunity to express your thanks to everybody you encounter at work: clients, customers, co-workers, employees, supervisors, vendors and other service providers. But many of us feel awkward expressing our gratitude or don’t know the most appropriate ways to show appreciation. Office dynamics, company […]
What Does Tennessee’s New Employment Litigation Reform Law Mean for Your Business?
Good news. Recent changes to employment litigation law are a boon for Tennessee employers in their defense of discrimination and retaliation claims. Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has signed into law a bill that places caps on the availability of non-monetary damages that Tennessee employees can seek under three acts: Tennessee Human Rights Act (THRA) Tennessee […]
The Secret to Becoming a Great Manager? (Hint: you are what you eat)
The secret’s out: the right nutrition can boost your focus, memory, cognitive functioning and even mood! For years, we’ve known about the connection between good nutrition and athletic performance. But recent research supports an equally strong connection between a healthy diet and great work performance. So are you feeding your brain what it needs? Consider […]
Improve Job Satisfaction and Productivity by Playing to Each Employee’s Strengths
“The real difference between success and failure in a corporation can be very often traced to the question of how well the organization brings out the great energies and talents of its people.” –Thomas J. Watson, Jr., businessman, political figure and philanthropist Your Middle Tennessee company may do a great job hiring talented people. But […]
Better Staffing Results: 5 things you can do to make managing temporary employees simpler and more effective
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The saying’s been around for ages, but it’s still just as relevant as ever – especially when it comes to managing temporary employees. Throughout Middle Tennessee, employers (like you) trust temporary staffing agencies (like Wood Personnel) to deliver flexible access to talented people who can […]