That Candidate Looks Great on Paper – But Will They Fit Your Culture? (part 2)

They certainly have the skills and experience you’re looking for. But will that new hire thrive on the job – or clash with your team? In our first post of this “hiring for cultural fit” series, we detailed hiring techniques you can use to gauge how well a potential employee will match your organizational culture. […]

Big Ideas: How to Screen Candidates for Strategic Thinking Skills

Every Middle Tennessee organization needs strategic thinkers: forward-looking, big-picture visionaries who: spot emerging trends and threats; connect the dots, by identifying interrelationships among business elements; think competitively, to improve products or services and gain an edge; ensure their organization is fully prepared to thrive in today’s volatile economy. Knowing that you need strategic thinkers is […]

Hiring for Fit in Nashville

Hiring Best Employees in Nashville | Wood Personnel Services

How are cowboy boots and employees alike? Fit is critical! When it comes to determining how well boots fit, all you really need to do is try them on and walk around for a little while. But when it comes to assessing a candidate’s fit within your Middle TN organization, things are a bit more […]

5 Questions that Break Through a Candidate’s “Interview Persona”

Make no mistake about it. Whether your job candidates call it “putting their best foot forward,” “playing the game,” or “putting on their best face,” interviewees try to hide behind personas they create – and show you only what they want you to know. Who can blame them, really? They’re trying to land jobs, and […]