Um, Can an Employer Ask That?
Where do you see yourself in five years? Tell me about a time when you used your service skills to help an upset client. How many golf balls can you fit inside a Volkswagen Jetta? In a job interview, you expect to be asked informational, behavioral and “zinger” questions like the ones listed above. And […]
Ahead of the Game: How to get tomorrow’s job skills TODAY in Middle TN
Once upon a time, you could make yourself more promotable by simply taking a class or learning a new software program. But in today’s fast-changing workplace? It takes a lot more to get ahead. In addition to continually developing new skills and learning new ways of operating, you also need a modern set of “soft” […]
Interviewing for Middle TN Jobs? Steer clear of interviewer’s top 4 pet peeves
Want to really drive your interviewer nuts? Of course not – you want the job! But sometimes, qualified candidates unwittingly ruin their chances by making small mistakes that irritate the hiring manager. How can you avoid those missteps? Today, Wood Personnel shares 4 pet peeves that can drive interviewers nuts – so you’re sure […]
Registering with a Middle TN Staffing Agency? Get off to a great start with these simple tips
Wood Personnel candidates choose to work with a staffing agency for a variety of reasons: Some like the extra cash and freedom temporary work provides; Others want to gain experience and build their job skills; Many want to try out different types of jobs in a variety of industries; Still others seek a full-time, direct […]
Thinking of Making a Job Change? The Time May Be Right!
Despite a disappointing jobs report in April, overall confidence in the job market is on the rise. Across the country, a growing number of employees are quitting their jobs. Why is this such a good sign? According to a recent survey of recruiters, 28 percent of the job openings employers had in January were due […]