Co-Employment, Workplace Safety or Employee Classification Concerns? Get the facts here.
In today’s economic and regulatory environments, employing people is complex business. But the simple fact is, you can’t get your work done without the help of great people! And often, an experienced Middle TN employment agency like Wood Personnel can make things easier – by providing cost-effective, flexible access to the qualified resources you need. […]
Better Staffing Results: Smart strategies for managing temporary and contract employees in 2014
It’s a new year! Time for a few fresh strategies to maximize the return on your staffing investment. Whether you use administrative temporaries or IT contractors, a little up-front “homework” can go a long way in ensuring your contingent workers are productive, efficient and easy to manage. Here are a few simple things you can […]
Resume Screening 101: Are you making any of these errors when selecting Middle Tennessee Candidates?
The good news? You had a great response to your last job posting. The bad news? You had a great response to your last job posting. You know what I’m talking about. Slogging through dozens or hundreds of candidate resumes is a time-consuming and sometimes monotonous process. Still, it’s a critical step in hiring the […]
Time is Running Out in Middle Tennessee – Don’t overlook this important compliance issue
In a time when massive healthcare reform is monopolizing the compliance spotlight, it’s easy for a little detail like updating employment forms to fall through the cracks – hence the reason for this quick post! Here’s what you need to know about the most recent version of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Employment […]
Business Success in Middle Tennessee: Become an industry leader in 2013
Merely surviving in our volatile post-recession economy is a significant accomplishment. But what are small business owners doing to thrive? They’re giving their companies a makeover – and moving to the front of the pack. In fact, a recent survey by Citibank shows that a majority of respondents (53 percent) have stayed “afloat or competitive” […]
Temporary Employment Bounces Back in Middle Tennessee – and Across the Nation
It’s a good news, bad news scenario. The bad news, we already know. According to a recent story, just under half of the 8.8 million U.S. jobs lost during the recession have been recovered during the last three years. Construction and manufacturing were devastated, while healthcare and education were relatively unaffected. Government employment continues […]