Why Onboarding is Critical for New Employee Success

Why Onboarding is Critical for New Employee Success - Wood Personnel

Effective onboarding is a critical aspect of setting up new employees for success in the workplace. While the hiring process gets employees through the door, it is the onboarding process that helps them integrate into the company culture, accelerates their productivity, and establishes a strong foundation for long-term success. In this article, we will explore […]

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in Middle Tennessee

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in Middle TN - Wood Perosnnel Services

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success and growth of your organization. In this competitive job market, it’s essential to position your company as an employer of choice that stands out from the rest. By showcasing Middle Tennessee’s unique opportunities and implementing innovative retention practices, you can not only attract exceptional talent […]

How Much is Consistent Turnover Costing Your Staff?

Improving Employee Well Being Holiday Season

Good employees can be hard to find these days, so it’s important hold onto the ones you already have. This is also true because employee turnover can impact more than you may realize. When employees leave, it also has a big influence on the remaining staff—and the more people they see exiting, the worse it […]

Is your company culture featured in your employer brand? It should be!

Employee Career Path Planning | Wood Personnel

Have you taken the time to build an attractive company culture? If you can answer yes, and you have a clear understanding of what your culture is all about—it’s time to tell the world! By showcasing your culture and what it’s like to work for you, it will be easier to attract candidates whose values […]

Head into 2020 with job descriptions candidates will actually apply to!

Looking to hire more staff in 2020? One of your first steps is also one of the easiest: crafting compelling job descriptions. If you can catch the eye of top talent and get them to read more, you’re one step closer to getting them onboard with your company. It’s easy with these four tips from one of […]

Eliminating Workplace Stereotypes: Are tattoos still taboo?

As Bob Dylan once predicted: “the times, they are a changin’.” And this is still true as each generation pushes different boundaries than the ones before. Right now, it’s become very popular—and quite common—for working-age people to have at least one tattoo. But even though our society is becoming more accepting of body modification, does this mean employers […]