Is It Time to Fire a Problem Employee? Know the signs – and follow the law in Middle TN
Sometimes it’s abundantly clear that you need to fire someone: They no-show/no-call four days in a row. They throw a temper tantrum in front of a client, and then verbally threaten them. They convert their cubicle into a DJ booth and spin records instead of working. Obviously, these are extreme (and thankfully, fictitious) examples. In […]
Revamp Your Compensation Strategy to Attract, Retain and Reward Your Team
We’re waaaay behind. Several states raised their minimum wage on January 1, 2017. But Tennessee? We don’t have a minimum wage law. By default, our minimum wage is set at the federal level, which was last raised to $7.25 in 2009. Competition for the best people is getting tougher. Jobs are expanding. And the cost […]
Who Really Gets the Worm in Middle TN?
Alright, let’s settle this debate once and for all: When it comes to productivity, who has the advantage – morning people or night owls? Everyone’s heard the proverb “the early bird gets the worm,” but that phrase was coined centuries ago. Since then, our economy has evolved from an agrarian to an industrial to a […]
When the Best Candidates are Passive, Your Recruiting Can’t Be
You’ve heard the stats. You know the score. Unemployment is low; job creation is steady; our economy continues to trend upward. These facts crystallize what you already understand deep down in your gut: Recruiting exceptional talent is tough! Most high performers are gainfully employed. And in a market where the best candidates are passive, your […]
The Healthy Families Act: Should Your Middle TN Employees Get Paid Family Leave?
Injuries sometimes require surgery and rehabilitation. Families have babies. Aging parents get sick. Employees need time off from work. But not every employer offers paid time off. The vast majority (99%) of companies employing 50+ individuals currently have some form of vacation/PTO/sick leave policy, but less than one-third of all employers offer a formal […]
Make the Most of Your Work Day: 5 Tips for Making Meetings More Productive
Ready to make your meetings more productive and focused? Who isn’t?!? For most of us, meetings are a major time-suck. And a big source of frustration. But until somebody designs a way to run a business without connecting to and sharing ideas with others, meetings will continue to be a necessary evil. So if […]