How Tennessee Job Seekers Can Use Social Media to Connect
In today’s job market, social media has become a powerful tool for job seekers looking to expand their network and discover new opportunities. While many people still associate social media with personal connections, platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are increasingly being used by employers to find candidates and by candidates to build professional relationships. If […]
Why Warehouse Work is Winning: Stability in a Shaky Economy
In an unpredictable economic landscape, one industry remains a steadfast pillar of stability and growth: warehousing. Particularly in Middle Tennessee, warehouse work not only offers reliable employment but also presents numerous opportunities for career advancement. At Wood Personnel Services, we understand the significance of finding a job that provides both security and potential for growth. […]
Hiding in Plain Sight? How to Spot – and Fix – Unproductive Employees
Have unproductive employees who spend their work day napping? Show up to work dressed in their bathrobe? Do nothing but shuffle papers or walk in circles for eight hours? Not likely, right? Chances are, most of your employees appear busy – because unproductive workers don’t want to be found out! If they’re caught procrastinating or […]
The Lowest of the Low: Unemployment in Nashville is the Lowest of Any U.S. Large Metro Area!
How low is Nashville’s unemployment rate? 5%? 3.5%? Try 2.7%! This recent Nashville Business Journal article shared several eye-opening facts that galvanize exactly how strong our employment market is: For the month of February 2018, government data showed the Greater Nashville area’s unemployment rate was just 2.7%. Among the 51 U.S. metro areas with populations […]
Work Smarter – Not Harder – and Get More Done (part 1)
Each of us is given the same 24 hours per day to accomplish our work. So, why do some people seem to get so much more in a day than others? Have they found a way to slow down time – or maybe clone themselves? Nope. They have simply mastered the ability to focus on […]
Finish Strong: End Candidate Interviews on a High Note – and Land the Best Middle TN Talent
You worked so hard to get to this point. After weeks spent recruiting, screening and interviewing candidates, you finally found a great potential hire – someone with the right skills, experience and personality to thrive in your organization. You’re home free, right? Well, not so fast. In a tight candidate market, job seekers have lots […]