Productivity Boon: 3 Tips for Your Team to Try Today

It’s great when everything just “clicks” in your business. To Do lists get shorter. Deadlines get crushed. Customers are happy. And your employees go home in a great mood. Wishing you could have more high-productivity days like these? Keep this list of instant productivity boosters handy! Implement just one of these ideas, and your team […]

Thriving in the V.U.C.A. Enviroment

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to the concept of V.U.C.A. – a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous operating environment which has become the “new normal” in business today. As mentioned in the post, your company needs to develop “agile models” – ones that prepare you for major disruptive events – to truly thrive […]

10 Ideas for Better Staffing Results

Great staffing results don’t happen by accident. They occur when smart people (like you) invest in creating the best possible relationship with a quality staffing firm (like Wood Personnel).  Don’t leave your staffing success to chance.  Use these 10 ideas to achieve better staffing results: Give temporary employees formal job descriptions. Job descriptions should be […]

Five Ways a Staffing Professional Can Facilitate Your Job Search

Looking for work?  Then you know that it’s tough out there. But fortunately, you don’t have to conduct your job search alone.  Staffing specialists are committed to your success and can facilitate your job search in a number of ways: Career guidance.  Re-entering the workforce?  Just out of college?  Laid off?  If you fall into […]

Mistakes at Work: How to Handle Things the Right Way

Everybody makes mitsakes (oops, that should read “mistakes”). But while a blog typo may be easily forgiven, other mistakes on the job can have serious consequences – for you, your boss, or even the company as a whole.  And frankly, the way you handle your slip-up can be just as critical as the mistake itself. […]