Respect at Work: Are you earning it or losing it?

  “Respect yourself and others will respect you.” –Confucius “Respect commands itself and can neither be given nor withheld when it is due.” –Eldridge Cleaver You can’t gain respect by reading quotes like these. You can’t buy your team’s respect. You can’t have it handed to you on a silver platter from an outgoing leader. […]

The “New Normal” in Your Workforce Operating Environment

Have you noticed lately that, as soon as you buy a new smartphone, laptop or TV, a “bigger and better” version seems to come out right on its heels? This increasing rate of change is true not only for technology, but for the entire business environment in which we operate. If your organization is like […]

Training on a Shoestring for Middle Tennessee Employers

In times like these, how can you afford employee training? Given our country’s current economic situation, many managers and HR professionals like you understandably struggle with training expenditures.  Should you cancel upcoming classes?  Postpone all your plans until a brighter tomorrow?  While these solutions may seem attractive to your bottom line, they are probably too […]