The “New Normal” in Your Workforce Operating Environment

Have you noticed lately that, as soon as you buy a new smartphone, laptop or TV, a “bigger and better” version seems to come out right on its heels? This increasing rate of change is true not only for technology, but for the entire business environment in which we operate. If your organization is like […]

How to Find the Best Candidates – Even When They’re Not Actively Looking

The rules of recruiting are changing. Rapidly retiring baby boomers, a slowly improving economy, and a smaller replacement population of workers are beginning to make recruiting more challenging.  In the coming months and years, finding the right people will only become tougher. With “passive” candidates making up about 84 percent of our workforce (according to […]

Bias in Interviewing – Why Even the Best of Us May Be Guilty of It

Have you ever heard of implicit bias? In simplest terms, it’s bias that someone doesn’t even know he has.  Scientists have learned that the average person only has conscious access to about 5% of his brain.  As a result, much of the work a typical person’s brain does is on an unconscious level. Implicit bias […]

Thinking of Making a Job Change? The Time May Be Right!

Despite a disappointing jobs report in April, overall confidence in the job market is on the rise.  Across the country, a growing number of employees are quitting their jobs. Why is this such a good sign? According to a recent survey of recruiters, 28 percent of the job openings employers had in January were due […]