“You’re Doing That Wrong”: Tips for Providing Constructive Employee Feedback
Employee feedback that: is rooted in frustration or anger? only criticizes behavior, without sharing constructive advice for improvement? is shared publicly? Yikes – that’s a recipe for disaster. When employees feel personally attacked, are humiliated or receive no clear direction for improving their performance, they’re not likely to take advice to heart. They’ll just wind […]
Who Needs Sleep? (Here’s what science says…)
Sleep deprivation is an illegal torture method outlawed by the Geneva Convention. A method of torture – and yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than a third of American adults don’t regularly get enough sleep. In other words, we’re walking around torturing ourselves. How can we expect ourselves to […]
New to Management? Avoid These “Rookie” Management Mistakes
Just landed your first management role? Congratulations! Now be sure you don’t mess it up. We’re kidding, of course. Everyone has a first management role. And we’re all human! At one point or another, we all make management blunders. But with sound information and a little diligence, you can avoid the most common management mistakes […]