In recent years, workplace flexibility has become increasingly important to U.S. workers.
This is not news, of course, but the changing ways in which employers provide that flexibility is. The Families and Work Institute (FWI) just published its 2012 National Study of Employers (NSE). Not surprisingly, the results show that employers across the country are offering more flexible options for employees to accomplish their work.
But while employees now have more choices as to the times and places in which they work, fewer are actually offered extended time away from work. Here are a few key statistics from the FWI study:
Flexible Work Options on the Rise
- Flex time is now offered by 77 percent of workplaces, up from 66 percent in 2005.
- Nearly twice as many employers (63 percent) now offer telecommuting as compared with 2005 (34 percent).
- Daily time off when important needs arise has also increased to 87 percent, up from 77 percent.
Limited Flexibility Around Reducing Hours Worked
- Moving from part-time to full-time status and back again has dropped from 54 to 41 percent.
- Taking career breaks for reasons including family and personal responsibilities has dropped from 73 to 52 percent.
The results of the study point to two key workforce management considerations for organizations. First, as flexible scheduling and workplaces become more common, organizations that fail to adopt these options run the risk of being outperformed by competitors who benefit from lower operating costs.
Second, organizations that offer more flexibility around reduced time, caregiving leaves and flex careers will have a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining employees, as the aging workforce and the work/life balance needs of younger employees become increasingly important drivers in the labor market.
Wood Personnel Provides the Flexibility Middle Tennessee Employers Need
You work hard to offer flexible options that work for your employees. Wood Personnel works hard to offer flexible staffing options that work for you. Contact us today to learn more about our staffing services for Middle Tennessee employers.