Wood Words

Make Your Middle Tennessee Temporary Workers Feel Valued to Increase Retention and Productivity

For decades, many employers have viewed temporary workers and freelance employees merely as “tools” to cut costs and minimize liability.

Not anymore.

As temporary workers become more valuable to your organization, so does your need to make them feel valued.  Here’s why:

  • Across Middle Tennessee, companies like yours are relying more and more on contingent staff to deliver customer experience and implement strategic initiatives.  As increasing amounts of work are going to more highly-skilled temporaries (e.g., engineers, accounting professionals, nurses), your company’s success becomes more dependent upon their success.
  • Many of today’s top temporary and contract professionals are millennials  – a generation known for needing more praise and attention than their older counterparts.  A high touch model is especially effective at motivating this demographic.
  • Professional temporaries aren’t a trend, they’re the new normal.  Our country has entered an era of impermanent labor.  Companies want to stay agile to deal with economic uncertainty, while some high-end specialists are choosing to work independently.
  •  Many of today’s temporary workforce aren’t there by choice.  Despite a desire for increased flexibility, the ranks of contingent workers include many who would prefer the steadier work of regular employment.  As a result, these individuals may suffer from an inherent engagement deficit.  Providing feedback and appropriate kudos can improve their performance levels.

At the end of the day, strategic employment experts are realizing the need to make contingent workers feel like a valued part of their workforce.  Smart employers who make concerted efforts to include and recognize temporaries will be rewarded with better staffing results.

But how can you give these employees the feedback, guidance and approval they crave, without overstepping the boundaries of co-employment?  The key is to strike the right balance – an “arms-length embrace.”  What many contingent workers want is to remain independent, yet grow closer to their clients.  To feel included, even if at a distance.

If your company is looking for appropriate and practical ways to motivate and engage contingent staff, here are a few resources:
