Wood Words

Middle Tennessee Job Search Tips: Yes, Manners DO Matter – Here’s Why

Trying to land an interview? Get noticed by a recruiter? Break into a new company?

Then it’s in your best interest to be polite and professional. Good manners are just as important in your job search as they are in a fancy restaurant. And even a small etiquette oversight can knock you out of contention.

To help you “mind your manners” during the job hunt, Wood Personnel has assembled this quick list of pointers:

Give the interviewer your full attention. Shut down and put away your phone before the interview. Better yet? Leave the phone in your car.

Respect the interviewer’s time. Arriving late is not only irritating, it reflects poorly on your responsibility and work ethic. So take the necessary steps to ensure you will arrive on time, or even a few minutes early.

In the days leading up to your interview, make a practice run to gauge traffic, plan parking and familiarize yourself with the route. If you’re unavoidably detained en route to your interview, contact the employer as soon as you realize it (e.g., if you’re stuck in traffic and know you’ll be at least 10 minutes late, don’t wait for the scheduled interview time to make the call).

Pay attention to social cues. Learn how to interpret and respond to others’ social cues, including nonverbal behavior. If the interviewer is breaking eye contact and checking his watch, it may be time to wrap-up your anecdote. If you received a warm smile and firm handshake from that recruiter at last night’s networking event, follow-up today and ask how to take the next step in learning about employment opportunities.

Make sure you’re nice – to everybody. Obviously, an interviewer expects you to be friendly and respectful toward him. But, did you know that he may also ask everyone else you’ve spoken with how you treated them? Keep yourself in the interviewer’s good graces by being polite to every person you encounter – from the HR assistant who schedules your interview to the receptionist who helps you with paperwork – and not just the “important” people.

Remember to say, “Thank you.” Be sure to thank everyone who helps you in your search for work. In addition to sending a formal note or email to your interviewer(s), you should also thank potential references, as well as anyone who makes an introduction on your behalf or provides great advice.

Bear in mind, thank-you notes are just one way to express your gratitude. When appropriate, pick up the tab for coffee or lunch. And if someone goes out of his way to help you in your job search, ask how you can return the favor.

Using good manners during your job search isn’t all that difficult – but it is important. These tips will help you make a positive impression on everyone involved in your search, and serve you well long after you’ve landed the perfect job.

Looking for the best jobs in Middle Tennessee? Wood Personnel offers employment opportunities at all levels. Part-time and full-time, temporary and direct, we can help you find great jobs in a wide range of fields and industries. Contact us today to learn more.
