If you’ve visited a big-box retailer in the last week or so, you probably noticed something a bit disconcerting:
Holiday decorations are already on sale!
Throughout Middle Tennessee, stores are already prepping for the rush that’s still several weeks away. And if your company is approaching its busy season, you should take a similar approach to recruiting seasonal staff.
Over the past few years, we’ve written a number of posts dedicated to seasonal staffing. Below, we’ve summarized a few of the most popular, to help you source, engage and retain the best workers during your peak periods:
Why Should You Plan Your Seasonal Staffing Needs Now?
If you’re in the customer service, administrative/clerical, hospitality, shipping/delivery, inventory or technology/finance industries, you’re probably headed for a busy – if not your busiest – time of year. From preventing rash hiring decisions to finding the best talent, this post explains why it makes sense to plan your workforce needs with your staffing partner. Read “Seasonal Help: Why You Should Plan Your Staffing Needs Now”
What Are the Best Sources for Seasonal Workers?
Fall has just begun, but it’s already time to gear up if you anticipate a need for seasonal help this year. This post shares practical tips for recruiting the best – and managing them for success. Read “Ways Middle Tennessee Employers Can Recruit and Manage Short-Term and Seasonal Workers”
What Special Considerations Do Seasonal Employees Require?
New hire paperwork. Internships. Minimum wage laws. Temporarily increasing your workforce to handle your busiest months is a smart business move, but it involves much more than just posting an ad online. In this post, we share our best tips for covering your proverbial bases when it comes to recruiting, hiring and employing seasonal staff. Read “Find Top Seasonal Employees in Nashville”
How Can You Ramp-Up Seasonal Workers’ Productivity?
Time is money – especially during your peak season. Every minute your seasonal or temporary employees spend figuring out how to do their job costs you. Make the most of every moment with these productivity tips for short-term or contingent workers. Read “Engaging Seasonal or Temporary Workers? 4 Tips to Get Them Up-to-Speed Quicker”
Ensure Seasonal Staffing Success with Wood Personnel.
If your busy season is already ramping up, our Nashville staffing service is ready to answer your call. Throughout Middle Tennessee, we deliver the clerical/administrative, light industrial, technical and professional staff our clients need to thrive during their busiest time of year.