What’s REALLY Going On in Your Company? Exit interviews with temporary employees can help you find out
Why are employees leaving your company? What’s your company’s corporate culture really like? How could you improve the way work gets done, to make employees happier and more productive? Believe it or not, your temporary employees can provide insights in all of these areas – and more – just like your direct staff. Exit interviews […]
Thriving in the V.U.C.A. Enviroment
A few weeks ago, we introduced you to the concept of V.U.C.A. – a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous operating environment which has become the “new normal” in business today. As mentioned in the post, your company needs to develop “agile models” – ones that prepare you for major disruptive events – to truly thrive […]
Tips for Creating an Empowered Workplace
As a manager, you know that empowered employees: have the authority, and take the initiative, to make sound business decisions; are energetic, passionate and committed to doing a great job; are creative and innovative problem solvers; continually strive to improve quality, productivity and morale; all because they feel personally rewarded for doing so. But while […]