Help your staffing service help you.
Continuous improvement should be a goal of any business relationship – your relationship with your staffing provider is no exception. Help your staffing firm deliver better results by providing them with frequent, measurable feedback. By letting them know what they’re doing right, as well as how they can improve, you can make your staffing function even more efficient and cost-effective.
Ask internal staff who supervise temporary employees to periodically fill out a simple report card for your staffing service. It can evaluate quality of fills, ease of working with the staffing specialist, timeliness of service, etc. Then, share the feedback with your staffing provider. They will use the information to identify opportunities for improvement, to further customize the service they deliver, and to make your job as easy as possible.
Here are a few sample questions to consider:
The Staffing Firm
- How well does the staffing firm demonstrate an understanding of your business?
- How well does the staffing firm meet your expectations?
- How would you rate the staffing firm’s service, as compared to other services you’ve used?
- How would you rate your staffing service representative?
The Employees
- How well do the employees fit the assignments?
- How would you rate the employees’ attitudes toward their work?
- How punctual are the employees?
- How prepared are the employees (i.e., how quickly do they get to work)?
How well are we doing?
At Wood Personnel, we pride ourselves on the quality of both our service and our employees. We want to know what we’re doing right and where we can improve. Please contact us with your feedback, so we can deliver even better results for your organization.