Wood Words

Jobs in Middle Tennessee: Do You Really Need a Paper Résumé in the Digital Age?

In a word:  “Yes!”

Despite the popularity (and convenience) of the electronic résumé, most hiring managers and recruiters still like the low-tech printed version.  In fact, many experts say that a paper résumé can still actually make or break your bid for a job in Nashville.  Here are a few reasons why:

  • Note taking.  Recruiters like to make notes on the paper version of your résumé while they’re interviewing you.
  • Ease of reading.  For some, paper résumés are easier to read and to scan for grammatical errors and typos.
  • Tradition.  A résumé on nice stock paper shows that you have a sense of decorum (i.e., that you understand interviewing rules of engagement and are willing to follow them).
  • Expectations.  Paper is still top currency at job fairs, where recruiters expect them.  QR codes printed on business cards are slick, but you should also bring the hard copy version along.

But, is a paper résumé really all you’ll need to find a great job in Middle Tennessee?  Probably not.  To compete in today’s crowded job market, we at Wood Personnel recommend taking a blended approach to your job hunt.  Combine the following elements to create a comprehensive search that uncovers every available opportunity:

  • Create and maintain multiple versions of your résumé. Make sure your résumé adheres to the latest standards and be sure to customize it for each job to which you apply.  Read this earlier entry to learn if your résumé is really up to snuff.
  • Use social media.  Have you tried LinkedIn yet? If not, it’s high time. This site allows you to connect with people you know, view job postings, obtain recommendations and get introduced to people who work at companies where you’d like to work.  As another option, try TwitterThis social networking and microblogging utility enables you to connect with people you don’t know, based on common interests – a great way to network.
  • Work with an experienced recruiter in Middle Tennessee.  Whether you’re looking for an administrative, light industrial, IT, accounting, engineering, finance, management or HR position, Wood Personnel can get you on the path to employment today. Go to work immediately on temporary assignment in Middle Tennessee, while we search for the right direct opportunity for you.