Looking for your next dream job?
You’ll land it faster if you have a solid “elevator pitch.”
What’s an Elevator Pitch?
In simplest terms, an elevator pitch is a statement that accurately sums up the unique benefit you offer a potential employer. It should:
- be short – 30 seconds or less;
- contain value-oriented statements which explain what you bring to the table;
- touch on your professional accomplishments and essential skills;
- set you apart in an employer’s mind;
- give a hiring manager a compelling reason to hire you.
Uncomfortable “selling” yourself?
It’s natural. Boasting about yourself can be extremely anxiety-producing. If self-talk isn’t your thing, here are a few tips for marketing yourself successfully:
- Put it in writing. Arm yourself with a single-page synopsis of your best attributes, biggest career wins, testimonials or client recommendations. You can use this as a back-up if you’re uncomfortable “tooting your own horn.”
- Practice! Though you don’t want to sound too mechanical, you should be rehearsed enough so that you can confidently rattle off your pitch without becoming rattled.
- Be flexible. Customize your elevator pitch to the job and the employer’s culture. The more targeted and relevant your pitch, the greater your ability to position yourself as an ideal candidate.
A Word of Caution…
A successful elevator pitch walks the fine line between effectively promoting yourself without coming across like a braggart. On the one hand, you need to put your best foot forward when meeting with a prospective employer. If you don’t talk about your accomplishments and explain your value, it could cost you the job.
On the other hand, be careful not to take self-promotion too far. Avoid hyperbole (it’ll only turn an interviewer off), be honest, and let your qualifications and results speak for themselves.
Looking for more job search and interview advice?
Read this earlier post entitled, “Tell Me About Yourself: Leverage the Power of this Critical Interview Question.”
Then, get in touch with us. As a leading Murfreesboro employment agency, Wood Personnel is committed to the success of your job search. Our team of seasoned recruiting and staffing specialists has the resources and experience to match you with the ideal temporary, contract or direct hire opportunity in Middle Tennessee. Contact us today or Apply with Wood Personnel online.