If you have responsibility for employee training, you know that the benefits extend well beyond improving employees’ job skills. Training your employees also:
- makes workers more versatile, especially if you offer cross-training;
- makes employees’ jobs more interesting and diverse;
- fulfills your staff’s need for continual development, which is essential for retaining high performers;
- enhances employee engagement.
In today’s employment market, employee training is a great way to keep your team productive, motivated and loyal to your company. Here’s how you and your employees can get the most from your training and educational programs:
- Make learning easy to digest. In this earlier post, “Mmm…Want a Snickers?” we reviewed the benefits of microlearning. In a nutshell, microlearning provides a way to combat training fatigue and facilitate knowledge transfer by breaking learning into bite-size information sessions. By keeping learning sessions short and focused, employees stay more engaged and ultimately retain more information. Read the full post on microlearning for practical tips on integrating this training tool into your initiatives.
- Personalize it. A one-size-fits-all approach may be efficient from the trainer’s perspective, but it’s a potential turn-off for employees. Employers that invest time and effort to customize training have greater success motivating their employees to learn. Here are a few aspects of training you should consider personalizing:
- Speed of learning – some people synthesize new information more quickly than others.
- Method of learning – some people are visual learners; some prefer to be taught information in a classroom setting; some are experiential learners. When practical, offer training in a variety of formats to accommodate individuals’ natural learning styles.
- Content covered – while some training may be required for all employees, base supplemental training plans on individual employee interests and career goals.
- Connect the dots. If you want employees to fully invest themselves in the training process, clearly explain:
- Why the training is necessary. Don’t assume employees know why training or education is required for certification, re-certification, continuing education, compliance, etc.
- How the training will benefit them. Lay out the real-world benefits, such as how the learning will make them more efficient, safe, promotable or broaden their career prospects.
- How the training impacts your company’s big picture. Is the training required for OSHA safety compliance? How does the initiative align with your organizational goals? When employees understand how their training improves their department or company as a whole, they will be more excited to learn.
Final Thoughts
Skills gaps are widening. Talent pools are drying up. The world is changing more rapidly than ever, thanks to technology, restrictive regulatory environments, globalization, and changing populations. Employee training isn’t just smart; it’s critical to keeping your business competitive. Use these simple tips to get the best results from every learning initiative – and a little more bang for your buck.
Need quick learners? Trained workers who are ready to put their skills and education to good use? Give our Nashville employment agency a call today.