Some employees handle stress better than others. So, from time to time, you may notice an employee who appears to be overwhelmed—and possibly about to break down. As an employer, what can you do to help?
Five Ways to Approach a Frazzled Employee
It’s all in your technique and your support process. To help an employee decompress, you can follow these suggestions from a leading provider of hiring support in Nashville—Wood Personnel.
Let them Decompress
Simply pull the person aside and acknowledge the fact that they seem on edge. This will usually be enough prompting to help someone get things off their chest. Give them a private and confidential area to decompress, such as your office. All you need to do at first is be a good listener—take in what they are saying and let them talk through what’s bothering them.
Require Regular Breaks
At this particular moment, encourage the person to take a break and just breathe. It should also be part of your regular daily process to ensure your workers take their 10-minute breaks, as well as their full lunch break. The opportunity to step away and clear their minds is important for their mental health and can also have a positive impact on reducing the stress they feel at work.
Build a Plan Together
Depending on what is bothering the employee, talk about how you can tackle it. It’s important to build a plan together that the employee agrees to. Offer additional support from other resources, depending on the nature of the issue.
Ensure You’re Fully Staffed
One source of stress for employees is picking up the slack due to inadequate staffing. If workers are in short supply, consider working with a staffing agency to help you hire, quickly and conveniently.
Offer Emotional Health Support
Many employers include access to counselors as part of their benefits plan. Resources such as an Employee Assistance Program and other mental health services are extremely valuable to the well-being of your staff.
It’s All Part of Being a Good Leader
Supporting your workers is one way to show them they matter. By listening and offering support, you can help your staff stay productive and happy.
Need to Staff Up?
Contact Wood Personnel Services. We work with employers to find qualified light industrial and office candidates. To learn more, contact us today!