Wood Words

Why It Is Important to Find an Employer Whose Company Values Match Your Own

Do you no longer feel engaged and excited about your job? Are you showing up to get a check and nothing more? We all experience dissatisfaction at work at some point in our careers. However, if our values misalign with our place of work, it can be trouble. Why does this matter? Because when your values match the company values, there is synergy. Your job performance will improve dramatically. You must find a company whose values match yours.

Determine Your Values

Before you can decide whether a company’s values align with yours, you must know your values. Make a list to help determine what you should look for in a prospective employer. Even if you already have a good idea about your values, it is wise to write them down to figure everything out. Knowing your values is essential for finding the right job, so think carefully about your values. To get started, ask yourself the subsequent questions:

  • Why am I doing what I am doing?
  • What gets me up in the morning?
  • What annoys me about other people?
  • What would need to happen to make me leave here?
  • What makes me stay?

Job Interviews Are Better If the Company Shares Your Values

When an organization’s values match your own, you will interview better because you are relaxed. The interviewer’s words resonate deep within you, and your words resonate deeply with the interviewer. It is an easy rapport. Shared values give us a sense of safety, allowing us to relax and be ourselves. We speak more freely and clearly, which is essential for a successful job interview.

To get the right job, be yourself in an interview. If you are pretending to be someone else, and the company is pretending to be something they are not, the result is never good.

Matching Values Mean Better Job Performance

Your performance will increase if your values are matched with activity regardless of who you are. You can better access your existing skills and abilities, focus more on your actions, and not waste energy second-guessing what other people think. Your ability to work through difficult stuff increases when everything is in sync.

The opposite happens if your values do not match your career. The drive to work will be a chore, Sunday night will be no fun, and you will find yourself seeking opportunities to distract yourself at work. Ultimately, it will affect your ability to perform. Let things get tough, and you will have no motivation to find your way through difficult circumstances. Values are motivators; if they do not match your company’s values, your motivation will be low. When problems do arise, your cause will be nonexistent.

Speaking of matching values, would it not be wonderful if a recruiter could match your values with that of a prospective employer? Wood Personnel Services can assist you in finding a job with a company that shares your values and respects what is important to you.


