How to end EVERY workday to set yourself up for a successful next day

Planning for a Successful Day at Work

Picture it: You start every day with a looming list of to-do items, some of which you keep putting off. All day long you toil away at your tasks, maybe even skip breaks, and feel unfocused and distracted. By the end of the day, you don’t feel you’ve accomplished much, and you shut down your […]

[Navigating Difficult Conversations] Inter-Employee Conflicts

Managing Employee Conflict | Workplace Conflict Resolution

As a manager, effective ways to handle employee conflict are a mandatory part of your day. Hopefully, your workplace is full of individuals who consistently challenge each other to think differently and be their very best. Unfortunately, in this same kind of productive and stimulating work environment, you will also encounter the occasional employee scuffle. […]

[Navigating Difficult Conversations] Dress Code Violations

Dress codes are common in most workplaces. The way your employees present themselves is a direct reflection of your business and can impact your reputation. Depending on the nature of your business, a dress code can be more relaxed, or more strict if you’re meeting regularly with clients. A dress code can also keep your […]

How to Rebound from an Extended Period of Being Laid Off

Being laid off or fired can be scary. There’s the feeling of “why me?” Then there’s worrying your record is marred for life, and if you’ll ever be hired again. Not to mention the uncertainty that comes with a lack of income. But don’t worry—being let go from your job is a temporary set back. […]