Why Do You Deserve This Job? Answer This Question with Ease

Why do you deserve this job? from Wood Personnel Services Why do you deserve this job? What makes you the ideal candidate for this position? Why should we hire you? Regardless of the phrasing, you’ll field a question like this in your next job interview. Your mission? Leave no doubt in the interviewer’s mind that […]
Make the Most of Your Entry Level Job (Hint: Don’t just phone it in!)

“Look on the bright side.” “When life hands you lemons, make some lemonade.” “Find the silver lining in that cloud.” When you’re entry level job isn’t what you hoped it would be, you don’t need platitudes like these. You need solid plan to Adopt the right mindset. Anyone who is just starting out in a […]
Catch the Wave: Surf the internet to protect your online reputation – and your job search
In today’s employment market, everybody is “catching the wave.” As a job seeker, you probably use the internet to research potential employers and job opportunities. When you apply for jobs in Murfreesboro, those same employers are likely checking you out online, too. What are they looking for? Hiring managers want to find out: where you’ve […]
Your Middle Tennessee Job Search: Are you using these 5 creative tactics?
Great job skills will help you keep your job. But you need great job search skills to land one in the first place! If your tactics are limited to hitting the “Apply Now” button on your favorite job site, it’s time to get creative. To move your career forward, check out these fresh ways to […]