A Guide to Achieving Success Through Goal Setting

A Guide to Achieving Success Through Goal Setting - Wood Personnel Services

Explore the transformative power of setting goals and how it can pave the way to a more fulfilling and successful future. By understanding how to define clear goals, develop actionable plans, and leverage goal setting for career success, you’ll be equipped with the tools to unlock your full potential. So, let’s dive in and discover […]

Navigating Office Politics: Tips and Best Practices

Navigating Office Politics: Tips and Best Practices - Wood Personnel Group

Office politics exist in every industry and profession. It is human nature to compare, contrast and compete. Competitive co-workers, demanding bosses, jealousy over promotions, the list is endless. Office politics are not going anywhere, so you must learn how to navigate them effectively. Here are some ideas. Tips for Navigating Office Relationships Stay Neutral During […]

Let’s Talk Polywork…What Is It and Why Should You Care?

Let's talk polywork...what is it and why should you care? - Wood Personnel

Polywork is the practice of taking on multiple jobs. It is not a new idea, but the opportunities to work for two or more employers are more plentiful now, thanks to working from home or hybrid. Some want to follow their interests, and others need extra money to pay the bills. Learn More About Polywork […]

Can I Get a Job in Middle Tennessee Without a Resume?

Can I get a job in Middle TN without a resume? - Wood Personnel

Yes and no. Of course, you can sometimes secure a job without a resume. However, this is not common practice, nor will it likely happen. It also depends on other factors, such as the industry, your skills, and your connections in middle Tennessee. A resume sells your skills to an employer. This document is a […]