Wood Words

Tips on Reducing Workplace Lifting Injuries

In many workplaces, lifting is simply part of the job. This is especially true with labor or light industrial positions. Unfortunately, injuries sustained as a result of lifting are extremely common. Improper lifting techniques can lead to pulls and strains of muscles and ligaments, and can even result in the need for disability and workers’ compensation. This diminishes productivity and can be costly for employers.

To help employees stay safe and healthy on the job, it’s important to talk about safety topics, such as lifting. Just follow these tips from one of the staffing agencies in Nashville, TN—Wood Personnel.

Explain Why it’s Important

To help employees get invested in workplace safety, it’s always a good idea to explain why it’s important. They may not understand how common lifting injuries are and how easy they are to get. Stress to your employees the physical dangers of improper lifting techniques and how following protocol will keep them out of harm’s way.

Introduce Lifting Aids

Depending on your workplace, you may have machines and devices available to help with lifting, such as jacks, gloves, slides, chutes, hoists, hand trucks and more. Be sure your employees are aware of any machines available to assist with lifting, as well as how to use them.

Show How to Lift Properly

Explain the difference between improper and proper lifting techniques, including:

  • Lift with your arms and legs, not your back.
  • Don’t bend over at the waist.
  • Never lift more than you can comfortably handle.
  • Always ask for help if you need it.
  • Take advantage of lifting aids.

Work with Your Recruiter

Training is essential when showing employees proper lifting techniques, especially when it involves the use of machines. Your recruiter can help ensure all employees are properly trained and ready to work safely.

Need a Recruiter?

No problem! Wood Personnel specializes in the placement of highly qualified light industrial, warehouse, administrative, office, technical or management workers. We’ll work with you to understand your staffing needs and find candidates who match. To learn more, contact us today to speak to a recruiter.
