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How might your turn career "sabotage" into career "success" - wood personnel services

How Might You Turn Career “Sabotage” Into Career “Success?”

Is self-sabotaging behavior undermining your career progress and preventing you from accomplishing your goals? Are you hindering your success? Many of us do it without realizing we are our worst enemy in the workplace. Maybe you are worried about what others think. Perhaps you constantly pressure yourself to be perfect or overflow with modesty. Regardless of the behavior, you can stop sabotaging your career and take steps toward success. Here are some steps you can start with right away.

How to Find Career Success

Explore Opportunities Beyond Your Department

In big companies, it is easy to stay in the comfort zone of your department. It is where you have your work friends, and you know the management team. You are hurting your chances for success by not networking outside your team. Become well-known throughout the company, and people will remember you when it is time for a big project or promotion.

Apply for Promotions

You are only able to succeed if you jump at chances for promotions. Set yourself up for promotions now. Even if the next step in your career seems a ways off, now is the time to take advantage of training and professional development. Please be sure to look for ways to expand your current role. When the right opportunity comes up, you can take advantage of it.

Do Not Talk Yourself Out of an Internal Move

It is easy to talk yourself out of making an internal move. Please don’t do it! Don’t let your head fill up with second-guessing. Yes, an inner movement is sometimes challenging. However, you will miss the opportunity altogether if you spend excessive time deliberating about what will happen if you get the position or don’t.

Say Yes to Big Opportunities

If you receive an offer for a substantial career opportunity, consider the chance carefully, no matter how scary. Do not let self-doubt get the better of you. Do not be frightened or fear an unfamiliar environment. High risk often leads to high rewards. However, if you turn down every opportunity, you will never have the chance to succeed.

Ask for Feedback

Do you sit and wait for your boss to provide negative feedback regarding your work performance? Don’t wait for your supervisor to bring up an issue with you. Take the initiative to approach the boss for performance feedback. By consistently asking for feedback, you can pinpoint the areas where you need improvement. You can then focus on practical training, take on projects that challenge you to use new skills, and become a better-equipped professional. Better still, you will be ready to apply for a new position or move up within your current company.

Set Yourself Up for Career Success

Wood Personnel Services has excellent industrial, administrative, and professional career opportunities. Let these professionals help you advance your career.

