Wood Words

The Importance of Eye Contact During a Video Interview

Preparing for an upcoming video interview? These have become more common as of late—either as a technique to fill a remote position or as one of the steps in your full interview process. Regardless of why you have an upcoming video interview, it’s good to be prepared so you can do a good job. And one thing you’ll want to pay careful attention to is eye contact.

Why is eye contact important during a video interview?

Remember that certain aspects of a face-to-face interview will be missing when you have a video interview. For example, a video interview is more impersonal since you’re not actually in the same room as the hiring manager, and they won’t be able to see many of your non-verbal cues. This makes it more difficult to make a connection, though not impossible. You can help yourself establish a connection through adequate eye contact. But how much is enough, and how much is TOO much?

The right amount of eye contact

The thing to remember is that the eye contact you make should be natural. Most people will make eye contact 30–60 percent of the time in a normal, day-to-day conversation. Since you want your interviewer to know you’re paying close attention and you’re invested in the conversation, it’s actually good to go with 60–70 percent eye contact during your video interview.

You might be wondering how to do this while still coming across as natural. So glad you asked! Just follow these tips:

  • Make eye contact early in the interview—like within the first few minutes.
  • Make more eye contact while listening. This shows the interviewer you’re invested in the conversation and paying attention.
  • Make less eye contact when you’re speaking. Many people find it difficult to make eye contact while speaking AND remain focused on what they’re saying. It can be distracting. So, since your words matter, it’s OK to look away and focus on something else while you’re formulating your thoughts and words, and then regain eye contact when you’ve completed your thought.
  • Try not to dart your eyes away from the interviewer. This is a clear sign of being nervous. Even though you may feel nervous, simply take a deep breath and remain focused on the interviewer while he or she is speaking.

Practice your eye contact

This is a great way to prepare for your interview. So, while you’re practicing your answers to common interview questions, also spend some time looking in the mirror and practicing your eye contact technique.

Ready to go?

With practice, you’ll be ready to ace your interview! But if it doesn’t go as planned, that’s OK. You can always contact Happy Faces Personnel Group if you’re in search of something new. To learn more, visit our job search page today!
