Can’t We All Just Get Along?
“Those Baby Boomers? They’re obsolete – and need to hang it up.” “Millennials? They’re too self-centered and won’t gel with our team.” “Gen X? They have absolutely no vision!” Wow. Can’t we all just get along? To clarify, the stereotypes above are definitely NOT Wood Personnel’s views; we’re just trying to make a simple […]
Ready to Re-Skill? 4 FREE ways to acquire new job skills in Middle Tennessee
To get ahead in your career, you must never stop learning. But with the average cost of tuition and fees ranging from $9,000 to $30,000 per year, acquiring those skills in a college classroom is an extremely expensive proposition. True, many fields require a 4-year degree. But, there are many other less-expensive ways to […]
Would You Ever Favor a Male Candidate Over a Female?
Of course not. As a responsible employer, you treat each candidate respectfully – and make employment decisions based on fair, legitimate hiring criteria. Still, periodic reminders about fair employment practices with respect to gender are a good idea. After all, even well-intentioned hiring managers can be unintentionally negligent when screening and interviewing. And like it […]
They’re Checking You Out: You should do the same!
Searching for the best jobs in Murfreesboro? Then it’s time to do a little sleuthing. When you’re interview with a Middle TN employer, you can bet that they’re checking you out thoroughly: your background, social media profiles, employment history and more. Well, you should do the same! Investigating a prospective employer is just “smart business” […]
The Big Picture in Hiring and Workforce Management
Struggling with increasing turnover? Finding it difficult to recruit for skilled positions? Concerned with rising healthcare costs? Believe us, you’re not alone. Across the nation, organizations are struggling with a host of hiring and employment-related challenges, according to a recent survey of about 500 HR and hiring managers. The study showed that a wide range […]
Middle Tennessee Job Search Tips: Yes, Manners DO Matter – Here’s Why
Trying to land an interview? Get noticed by a recruiter? Break into a new company? Then it’s in your best interest to be polite and professional. Good manners are just as important in your job search as they are in a fancy restaurant. And even a small etiquette oversight can knock you out of contention. […]